Friday, April 1, 2011

Role Reversal Gender Play

Daily idea for fun sexy questions to ask your partner:

How do you feel about role reversal and gender play?

Being kinky sometimes involves playing with social conventions and behaviour expectations. Sensitive subjects like gender play and sexual stereo types can be exciting to mess with. Role reversal can be as simple as switching from an assertive or dominant role to a more passive or submissive role in the bedroom. Gender play takes role reversal a little further but can even involve roleplaying different sexual orientations. These types of kinky sex play may be a great way to add a twist to your sex life. Ask each other some fun sexy questions to get a sense of how you each feel about exploring your wild side.

Visit JT Stockroom for gender bending roleplay accessories (strap-on, packer, vaginal prosthesis, etc.) and Wicked Temptations for sexy outfits suitable for any dress up games you want to play.

For an interesting sex fantasy with a twist, see Call Me a Call Girl which was inspired by the iLoveRandomSex app and a lottery ticket number.

jtstockroom03 Sexy Questions: Role Reversal Gender Play

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