Friday, March 11, 2011

Long Lasting Happy Relationships

Here is the daily sex question:

What do you feel are the keys to a long lasting, monogamous relationship?

A new survey suggests that the 7 year itch in many relationships is being replaced by a 3 year glitch. The article suggests that the daily pressures in our modern society are causing couples to become more sensitive to small irritations that used to be overlooked. These passion killers result in less emotional intimacy and less sex which can seriously affect your relationship. By asking relationship questions like the one above, you’ll be better able to focus on what’s really important in your relationship so it lasts longer and you’re both happy.

If you’re feeling any stress in your love life, check out the Relationship Collection. It has everything you need to improve your relationship with more emotional intimacy, better communication and, of course, great sex.

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