Friday, March 18, 2011

Stop Your Divorce From Happening

Daily idea for relationship questions to ask your partner:

Why do you think the divorce rate is so high and how can we avoid the same fate?

We’ve all read about the high divorce rates. You most likely know someone who’s gone through a divorce already (possibly yourself included). But even with these dire statistics, couples still want to get married. There is of course an almost equal percentage of couples that stay together and avoid getting a divorce. If you’re dating, romantic questions about marriage are bound to come up. But even if you’re already married, conversation questions about divorce can be even more valuable. Discussing your different ideas about how to build a strong relationship can help you both work toward a successful marriage.

Here is a TED talk about love with some controversial ideas that might influence your thoughts about marriage. It identifies new trends like the declining divorce rate and the rise of romantic love as a requirement for getting married.

If your relationship has broken apart, there is still hope. Click on Win Back Love and get your ex back.

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